Friday, July 9, 2010

10K a Day - Week Ten!

Tooting my own horn.
I'm enjoying my walking challenge. It's almost the end of week 10, and I feel so much more energetic!


  1. I'd be tooting a big old tuba if I were you!

    Are you telling me that you've been walking 6.2 miles every day for 10 weeks?

    Isn't it amazing that by expending energy, we are energized? So many times I don't really feel like working out but when I do, I ALWAYS feel better afterward than I did before.

    If only more people knew that secret!

    Are you going to set a different goal or keep on with the fabulous one you've been adhering to?

  2. Wow - that is some major commitment! Congratulations for keeping it going!!

  3. Thanks y'all for the encouragement!!

    Shaddy - According to my pedometer, based on the strides I entered, it's showing that I've been walking close to 5 miles a day. The first couple of weeks I was doing 8,000 to 9,000 steps, and after that my goal each day has been 10,000. I don't push it on weekend days, even though those are my best walking trail days.
    I think I'm going to stay with 10K a day for now and re-evaluate in a couple weeks.
    I do feel so much better!
