Sunday, June 27, 2010

Weekend Walking Trail Review: Back to Haikey Creek

Yesterday I got a late start for my weekend walking trail walk, due to a hair appointment and a few other errands. Because of the extreme afternoon heat I really planned on using the elliptical, inside where air conditioning makes summertime bearable. But, to my surprise I wanted to go to one of the walking paths. I knew I needed to go to one that I was certain had plenty of opportunities for shade, so back to Haikey Creek I went.
When I got to the walking / jogging trail, there wasn't a single car in the lot. Hmm, second thoughts... well, I can always get back to the car fairly quickly if the heat and humidity seem too much. It was hot and the air was thick with humidity, but keeping a moderate pace and sticking to the shady areas as much as possible, I was actually fairly comfortable.
Summer has been tough on the creek, too. The water has become shallow and, as my cat friends would say, quite whiffable, in areas.
 Other than that, the walk ended up being very pleasant. In part this was due to the beauty of a bright blue and white summer sky. It is one of my most favorite sights, and never fails to move me! .
When I got back to the car, another lady had arrived. She walked for a bit and then started a cautious jog. Show-off. I hope she had plenty of water.


  1. That sure is a beautiful place, and yep, the sky is very pretty!

  2. Haikey Trail looks like a great place to walk.

    I just HAVE to go outside for my exercise when the weather is decent. Winter is too long. Very rarely do I see anyone on the trails at NorthPointe. Most people run or walk on the treadmills inside. I prefer the fresh air and being surrounded by nature whenever possible. It seems we're on the same page with that.

    Have a splendid week, Jana.

  3. Looks like a lovely place to walk. Don't envy you the heat and humidity. We just made 80 over the weekend for the first time this year!

  4. Shaddy - I do enjoy walking outside; there's always something interesting to see. You can't beat nature's artwork.

    Parrot - 80 sounds Wonderful! I have to admit it - I am downright jealous.
