Sunday, August 8, 2010

World Cat Day

Today is 2010 World Cat Day!
We greet all our fellow felines as we celebrate being CATS! It is a most pawsome thing to be, at least for all of us that are fortunate enough to have humans who appreciate and love us, as it should be.

Today, in addition to celebrating our catness, we are also sending out purrs for all the cats in the world that do not have the wonderful lives they deserve, and for all the special kitties in shelters that would love to come live in good forever homes. We are purring extra loud and fervently for all of them.

We also offer up purrs of gratitude for all the cat lovers in the world. We're grateful for those who love and care for their pets, the ones who adopt, special people that volunteer in shelters and those in the blogosphere that spread the word that cats are special companions and bring much joy into this world!

Cats Rock! Every day should be CAT DAY!

Casper and Angel


  1. Well said indeed! I hope y'all have a wonderful World Cat Day every single day!
