Saturday, May 28, 2011

WooHoo for Extra Ketchup

Like many others, I’ve reconnected with some childhood friends through Facebook. Even though we lived in the same town, and continued through the same school system until high school graduation, many of those friendships started and ended without us ever knowing why. So when my one-time schoolmate, Debby, ‘friended me’ I was happy to reconnect.

When I learned that Debby had written a play that was going to be performed in a dinner theater production in my hometown – which Debby still calls home – I couldn’t wait to go see it. The premise of the play was right up my alley, too – “Extra Ketchup, Hot Flashes and Rum” centered around two 50-something friends who had a lot of shared excess baggage to try to unpack and sort through together. The women in the menopausal phase of their lives were hilarious and, trust me, I could relate! These gals were discovering some of the freedoms that come with being over 50. As for me, I consider it exploring and embracing my inner bitch.

The playbill promised that as viewers we would laugh, cry and maybe even pee our pants – and, indeed I could have benefited from a Poise pad. What a huge release laughter can be...

It was also awfully nice to see my childhood pal again after all these years . Thanks, social media!

The acting and directing were excellent, and the play had two sold out performances; and there is welcome talk of an encore presentation.

Congratulations, Debby! Keep up the good writing.


  1. Hooray for extra ketchup! Enjoy your holiday weekend!!!

  2. Extra ketchup ... whoohoo! Have a wonderful holiday weekend. :)
